Social dumping in road transport

making modern slavery visible


Truck drivers are everywhere, yet invisible

The international team of Road Transport Due Diligence Foundation (from FNV and ITF) is taking to the road, looking for abuses in the transport sector.


Like true detectives, they go on fact-finding missions: they dive into the supply chain of large multinationals, talk to drivers and dig out files.


With online videos, this team aims to break into the public debate to denounce this economic exploitation and human trafficking.

"Docwerkers has been a very important pillar of our work for many years."

Edwin Atema
Road Transport Due Diligence Foundation


A video team on a mission

Docwerkers has been the creative arm of the RTDD team since 2015 .


With reports, we help put a face on social dumping in the transport sector. We support employees in conducting interviews, shoot footage all over Europe and process the filmed testimonies into impactful films.

"Please stop making these videos"

Swedish furniture giant


From The Guardian to the UN

Over the years, we realised several films, some for targeted communication, others for the general public.


'Explöited Trückdriväer' was made in 10 languages so that trade unions across Europe could distribute the video. IKEA was forced to respond publicly about the alleged abuse in their supply chain.


The mini-docu 'Exploitation in automotive supply chain' got 35,000 views on YouTube, and almost half a million on Facebook. It became the best-viewed video ever on the FNV's Facebook page (without ads). The video was also shown at the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva.

Our role in this project:

creative concept
language versions
voice over

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