Inequality In Colombia

'¡Sí Se Puede!" - From international solidarity to award-winning documentary


World's most dangerous country for activists

The documentary "¡Sí Se Puede!" - translated: Yes we can - sheds shocking light on the reality of Colombia, considered the most dangerous country in the world for activists.


This film follows the story of Moisés Báron, a petroleum worker in Barrancabermeja, and Nohelia Mendoza and Nellys Simarra, domestic workers in Cartagena.


The film highlights the many political assassinations of activists and the glaring inequality in Colombia, contrasted with the rise of the new progressive government led by Gustavo Petro.


"¡Sí Se Puede!" (34 minutes - 2023) is a realisation of Docwerkers in collaboration with the Algemene Centrale ABVV.

Watch the trailer in English here. There are also trailers in French, Dutch and Spanish.



Solidarity across borders

In 2023, the Algemene Centrale ABVV made plans for a local congress in Antwerp. Among other things, solidarity projects in Colombia would be highlighted there.


This is how the idea for a film matured.


"For the Algemene Centrale, international solidarity is not an empty slogan," says Bruno Verlaeckt, president of the Algemene Centrale Antwerp - Waasland. "Our Centrale has a rich tradition of solidarity with the Colombian people. For 20 years we have supported trade unions in various sectors with structural financial support. And all this time we have also taken to the streets to denounce the violence against our comrades in Colombia."


"With this film, we also want to introduce the wider public to the situation in Colombia, and to the inspiring example of Moisés, Nohelia and Nellys," Verlaeckt said.



From conference film to award-winning documentary

On May 12th 2023, "¡Sí Se Puede!" was screened at the congress of the Antwerp-Waasland division. That the documentary went straight to the heart was evident from the many emotional reactions. After all, many militants had been to Colombia themselves and knew the stories personally.


We organised a premiere in De Cinema in Antwerp. Afterwards, we published the film on a mini-website and developed a social media kit, with visuals and videos in appropriate formats. Many screenings were organised in local branches of the ABVV/FGTB.


¡Sí Se Puede!" lives on at international film festivals. The film won the award for best documentary, at Latin American Film Expo in Chicago. It was also selected for the Festival del Cinema Ibero-Latino Americano di Trieste - Europe's largest and oldest Latino film festival.


That festivals are programming the documentary shows that the film is touching a wider audience.

You can watch the full film in English here. There are also other language versions: Dutch, French and Spanish


Our role in this project:

creative concept
planning and arranging
communication plan
social media kit
language versions
premiere organisation

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