Mission trip as an opportunity
The Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) FOS has a podcast channel: FOScast. On it, it brings reports and interviews around pressing north-south themes.
FOS staff would travel to Zimbabwe to learn from their local partners. An ideal opportunity to conduct interviews with local experts and workers feeling the effects of climate change, as the basis for a new podcast episode. Although Zimbabwe has barely contributed to global warming, it is already ravaged by cyclones and drought.
But how do you make quality recordings to make an engaging podcast? FOS took Docwerkers under its wing to work out a plan.

The result became a narrative podcast about fair transition, not just another collection of interviews. Travel with us and listen to the testimonies of Choice, Ndaizivei Kamoto, Nyasha Muchicwa and Lenard Mapondera.
Els Hertogen, director of 11.11.11, and Dries Merre, policy officer at FOS, will tell you more about the broader context of climate change, and explore: "How do we tackle climate injustice?"
To make the podcast known to FOS's audience, we also provided a content plan for social media, with visuals and elaborate posts for Facebook and Instagram.